Minutes - February 2016
Sunday February 21, 2016 Business Meeting
Meeting called to order at 5:12pm
Upcoming Events
Next Business Meeting
March 20 , 5 o’clock at 100 Center Hacienda
Phlocktails –Brothers on Eddy Street—March 3, April 5—6-6:30p (Long Island Ice Tea on special!)
Club By-Laws - Carey Bert
Carey reviewed the by-laws and distributed copies with areas to review and update highlighted. We may want to look at other clubs by-laws. We will need to note exceptions like having married couples serving on the board change the actual wording in the by-laws.
National Margarita Day- February 22.
Meeting at El Maguey Grill, 56028 Parkway Ave. Elkhart at 6:30pm.
Laura Lehner from River Bend Cancer Services was presented a check for $1,600 from the Club. The money was raised in January at the Barefoot Children in the Sand weekend in St. Joseph, Michigan.
Upcoming Events in 2016
o Wawasee Boate Cruise-Fun - Saturday July 9 from 1-4pm. Cost is $25/person. Please let Greg Fidler or Brad Nunemaker know if you are interested ASAP.
o Leprechaun Leap - March 19 for United Cancer of Elkhart County. Pete’s at Simonton Lake. Looking to get a team together. 11am sign-up, Jump at 2pm. Sponsors needed for jumpers. More details to follow.
o Corvilla - Foot Golf Tournament- Date still to be determined.
o April 8 – Pub Crawl in Broad Ripple
o May 21 – Camp Millhouse Softball Tournament. Maybe get team together or just volunteer.
o June 4 - Sunburst
o June 17 Paul Roush, Time and Downtown Elkhart location TBA
o July 17 Thom Shepherd and Coley McCabe-Shepherd – Key West North (Nunemaker’s)
o July 30 Urban Adventure
o Wayno’s Wine-o Weekend
o August Food Drive?
o September Golf Outing?
o Other – Pancake Breakfast? Trivia Night? If interested in heading up an event or if you have an idea for another event, please contact Brad.
Meeting Adjourned at 5:31pm Minutes submitted by Laura Rieff, Secretary