Minutes - July 2016
Sunday, July 17,2016 Business Meeting at Key West North
Meeting called to order 3:20 p.m.
Thank you Brad and Carrie for hosting the meeting and arranging for
Thom and Coley to play! PHun time!
Upcoming Events
Business Meetings
August 20th at Mindy’s Tiki Bar
Phlocktails –
August 2nd (Tuesday) Goshen Brewhouse. This is a pretty new place and looks like a good time!
http://goshenbrewing.com/ 315 W Washington St, Goshen, IN 46526
TO DO’s – website- Please go to www.parrotheadsinmichiana.org and check out our new website. WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK ON WHAT IS GOOD, WHAT NEEDS CHANGED!!!
2016 Future Events.
Urban Adventure-July 30th – (BUBBA and WAYNE are in charge) Volunteer names have been turned in. Our activity will be human bowling. One team member is inside a bowling ball and the other team member pushes them to knock down 6’ tall bowling pins.
Should be challenging and fun to watch!
August Food Drive- Bittersweet location only this year. Date is August 20th, same day as meeting at Mindy’s. Plan is to head to Mindy’s after the food drive. This is a fun event to work and is for a great cause. Please help!
Wayno’s Wine-o Tour- September 24th. $20/person for seat in van. Wayne has 2 vans ready and both are almost full. Please contact him if you are interested in going. He is still working on which wineries we will visit.
MOTM 25th Anniversary – Deadline for registering is fast approaching. Anyone interested please contact Brad.
Sept Golf Outing –Sept 10th
Club B-Day
Club Christmas party—Eagles again??
Chris’s 9th annual 50th Birthday party May12-13th 2017 at Potato Creek State Park
Meeting adjourned at 3:36 p.m. so the party could get really started!